Indigenous woman

She Changes Climate

She Changes Climate is a global campaign that aims to enable women in all their diversity to take the lead in accelerating climate action on a global scale. With a mission to drive awareness of the crucial role women play in addressing the climate crisis, ConnectAID’s nonprofit Member is committed to ensuring that women have the power to make critical decisions to save humanity and the planet.

Challenges: Women continue to face numerous challenges that marginalize their participation in the political sphere. Gender stereotypes, lack of access, and socio-economic barriers hinder their involvement in climate negotiations. Shockingly, more than 150 countries still have laws that discriminate against women, exacerbating the need for change and gender equality.

Action: She Changes Climate campaigns for the equal inclusion of women at top levels of all climate negotiations. They actively advocate for the implementation of the updated Gender Action Plan (GAP) from COP25, calling on officials to fulfill their commitment to promoting gender equality in the UNFCCC process.

Influence: She Changes Climate provides valuable support to diplomats behind the scenes, working to appoint more women into leadership roles at Conferences of the Parties (COPs). By providing data, connections, and solutions, they contribute to improving diversity and highlight the benefits of a more inclusive leadership team.

Campaign: Through media endorsement and leveraging social media platforms, She Changes Climate galvanizes public support and opinion. They host impactful events to develop momentum and drive new thinking around gender equality in climate action. Virtual summits further amplify organizations that understand and address environmental and gender diversity issues within their respective regions.

Collaboration: She Changes Climate fosters collaboration between other gender and environmental groups. By calibrating messaging for maximum effect, they ensure a united front in advocating for gender equality in climate action. They actively listen to the voices of local activists, endorse inspiring practices, and unite diverse organizations and individuals through their informal community platform.

Amplification: Empowering women to find their own platforms and voices for gender issues that concern them is at the heart of She Changes Climate’s work. They also collaborate with change-makers from around the world, strengthening their capacity and equipping them with the necessary resources to actualize their visions for a more gender-equal world. The organization plans to co-develop a set of guiding principles that all partner organizations can champion, uniting all allies under a joint messaging strategy.

She Changes Climate firmly believes that diversity and equity in leadership are key to effective climate action that protects both people and the planet.


Join ConnectAID in supporting She Changes Climate’s efforts to create a sustainable and inclusive future for all.

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