Legal Notice

The website accessible at published by ConnectAID, The International Solidarity Network a Swiss NGO based in the Canton of Geneva located 86 Chemin de bellecour, 1213 Onex, Switzerland, created within the meaning of Articles 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code (“CC”), to provide support to nonprofits and advocate for the Sustainable Development Goals. 

ConnectAID can be reached through the following email address:

The director for the publication of this site is Mrs. Gaëlle Mogli, Executive Director

Intellectual Property

The general structure of the ConnectAID site, as well as the texts, images and all the elements which make it up, are the property of ConnectAID.

Any total or partial representation or reproduction of the site or any of the elements which make it up, without the express and prior authorization of  ConnectAID, is strictly prohibited.


Design and production of the site: ConnectAID
Graphic identity of the website: ConnectAID
Photo and image credits: ConnectAID (Gaëlle Mogli and team members) and Nonprofit Partners

Hypertext links

ConnectAID cannot be held responsible for the hypertext links presented on the site leading to external resources. 

Liability – Lawfulness and accuracy of information

ConnectAID endeavors to regularly check the legality and accuracy of the information published on the website accessible at and reserves the right to update, correct, modify or delete it at any time without prior notice. The content published by users is corrected, modified and deleted under the conditions set out in the applicable and previously ratified general Terms and Conditions (T&Cs for Members – T&Cs for Partners).

Protection of personal data

The Personal Data Protection Policy determines and specifies the conditions under which the personal data of users obtained from the website is protected.

This legal notice is validated as of the 17th of February 2020 by the law firm VIRTUALEGIS AARPI, Associated Lawyers. In the event of difficulties of interpretation, the French language version of the legal notice shall prevail over any other version in another language.