Our Impact

ConnectAID is committed to empowering international nonprofit organizations and foundations in overcoming the complexities of the humanitarian and development aid sector. We provide them with the tools and support they need to effectively communicate and achieve sustainable development outcomes. Our impact goes beyond numbers; it is transformative. We act as a catalyst, fostering collaboration, forging cross-border partnerships, and serving as a global communicator. Together, we witness a ripple effect as our members unite to tackle the world’s most pressing challenges.

Recognized as the Best Humanitarian and Development Aid Project at the Corporate Social Responsibility Awards 2022, here is a glimpse of ConnectAID’s impactful journey since 2018:

Our network of networks
In addition to being influencers on all social media, we created our own social network dedicated to the SDGs.
Our nonprofit members
We empowered dozens of vetted organizations through communication support.
Our community
We recruited hundreds of Ambassadors and Community Advocates, including our Academy of youth voices.
Our field missions
We organized humanitarian missions to the field to train and help our nonprofit Members communicate.
Our events
We organize trainings, video podcasts, SDG Book Corners and Conferences, including the World Summit of SDG Influencers.
Our network of SDG influencers
We created a community of Sustainable Development Goals influencers from all around the world.
Our communication
We published thousands of social media posts, impact stories and videos.
Our support to foundations
We ran campaigns for foundations and nominated winners of international awards.
Number of impressions for our posts on all social media platforms
Reaching 3 million people
Number of stories and videos produced for our partners
Over 100 stories and videos
Number of identified SDG Influencers in our ranking list and community
550 Influencers
Number of volunteers and individual members in our community
2300 members, 75 volunteers
Number of trainings, podcasts and online conferences organized
65 engaging events
Number of people trained in communication (SDGs, social media management, story telling, video, design, AI etc...)
Over 2500 individuals empowered
Number of nonprofit Members empowered by our support
26 partner organizations
Ripple effect: number of lives positively impacted by our nonprofit members
4,000,000 and counting

Latest impact stories

Our ambition is to ‘revolutionize’ the world of international solidarity! 

We had a vision, now we are seeing real impact

ConnectAID is rewriting the narrative of global impact by harnessing the power of connection. Our partner foundations have bestowed prestigious international prizes upon the outstanding work of our nominated nonprofit Members, while other foundations eagerly express their interest in funding the transformative humanitarian projects we champion. 

Through our expansive social media reach, we ignite the passion of millions, inspiring them to take action online for the greater good. The nonprofits we support experience an unprecedented surge in international outreach and visibility, propelling their missions to new heights. As we witness the formation of strategic partnerships among our members, collaboration becomes the driving force behind collective impact, fostering lasting and positive change on a global scale. Download our presentation for more information.

ConnectAID in review: 

perspectives on our humanitarian work

Barbara Ryan
Barbara RyanDirector of WGIC
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"ConnectAID is a a force-multiplier for achieving SDGs. Thanks to them, we have been awarded a 200,000 USD prize that will have tremendous impact on our climate actions. We would have never gotten this award without them."
Dr Nasser Alkahtani
Dr Nasser AlkahtaniDirector of AGFUND
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"ConnectAID is doing a great job, in communication, partnership and resource mobilisation. Their work is necessary for every foundation."
Mamta Borgoyari
Mamta BorgoyariDirector of FXB India Suraksha
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"ConnectAID has told our story to the world. We are so grateful for all the support they have provided to our nonprofit, through their trainings, field missions, international events and ongoing communication to such a wide international audience. I have no word to express my gratitude towards them."
Elise Buckle
Elise BuckleFounder of Climate and Sustainability and She Changes Climate
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"I have seen how effective ConnectAID has already proved to be in the sustainability space. Their summits and communication campaign around COP26 clearly demonstrated that ConnectAID has the skills, personnel, network, and ability to amplify, enhance, and strengthen the work that all of us in the space are doing."
Debra Ruh
Debra RuhFounder of Ruh Global and Billion Strong
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"As soon as I heard about what they are doing, I wanted to be in. What they are doing really speaks to my heart. ConnectAID's network is so powerful, because this is where good happens."

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Together, we can make international solidarity become a norm, one connection at a time.

What we do is necessary