
Bridges 2030

Bridges 2030 is an NGO with the goal of connecting local communities with funding opportunities, technology, and the training necessary to build capacity and achieve lasting change regarding forcibly displaced communities.

Its mission: Cultivate compassion. The organization catalyzes and educates the social impact community to support scalable and replicable projects across the globe. It supports disadvantaged and marginalized communities including forcibly displaced citizens, by amplifying their voice, increasing awareness and securing donations that make a difference and achieve lasting impact.

Their purpose is to bring awareness to our shared global challenges by shifting the conversation from sympathy to empathy. They are no longer asking if we should help, but rather how we can help. The organization’s goal is to bridge the gap between good intention and effective action with education, technology, and awareness. Together, we can ensure a healthy future for those in need.

Bridges 2030 is now focussing on a mission to Ukraine, with another one of ConnectAID’s Member: Migration Consortium.

For more information: click here.

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