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Tibetan Children’s Village: A Home for Orphans and Refugees

ConnectAID founder, Gaelle Mogli, was invited to visit the Tibetan Children’s Village (TCV) and interviewed its coordinator in Dharamshala, India. The TCV is a nonprofit organization that provides education and care for Tibetan children who are orphans, refugees, or otherwise in need. The organization was founded in 1960 by the Dalai Lama and has since become a home to over 58,000 children.

Tsenkyi (the last name of the coordinator will remain anonymous for security reasons), who came to the TCV at the age of four and never saw her parents again, shared about the challenges of running the village and caring for the children. “We depend on sponsorships and donations to survive,” she said. “It’s a constant struggle to provide for everyone and ensure that they have a good life here.” ConnectAID will not display her last name for security reasons as she still has family in Tibet.

Tibetan girlOne of the biggest challenges that the TCV faces is the physical and emotional trauma that some of the children have experienced. Many of the children have been orphaned or separated from their families as a result of the Chinese occupation of Tibet. Some have even suffered injuries or amputations during their escape from China, walking during night time only through the Himalayas.

Despite these challenges, the TCV provides a safe and nurturing environment for the children to grow and thrive. The village has its own schools, healthcare facilities, and even a small farm where the children can learn about agriculture and sustainability. Tsenkyi shared that the TCV also focuses on preserving Tibetan culture and heritage by teaching the children about their language, history, and traditions. On average, 70% of the students then go to university to continue higher education.


Tibetan children at an eventWhen asked about her hopes for the future of the TCV, Tsenkyi replied, “My dream is that we can continue to provide a home for these children, and that they can grow up to be happy and successful adults. We want to give them the best possible chance in life.” “As for Tibet,” continues Tsenkyi, “I still hope that we get our independence and that we will be able to return to our country with his holiness the Dalai Lama.”

The Tibetan Children’s Village stands as a testament to the power of compassion, education, and preserving cultural heritage. ConnectAID is honored to support the TCV’s mission of empowerment and resilience. Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of these children, enabling them to create a brighter future filled with hope, knowledge, and opportunities.


As the TCV continues its unwavering commitment to empowering Tibetan children, it remains a beacon of hope in a world that often seems devoid of it. By supporting organizations like the the Tibetan Children’s Village, we contribute to a more compassionate and inclusive world, one where every child has the opportunity to thrive and make a difference.

Find out more about TCV

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