United Nations Spokesperson for WFP, WMO, and IOM as well as former journalist, Gaëlle has worked for decades for UN organizations such as UNICEF and various NGOs across five continents, including during emergency situations. Since 2018, Gaëlle Mogli is devoting her life to ConnectAID to meet the international cooperation's needs that she has identified in the field.
Managing Director at Unigestion SA
Pierre brings a holistic understanding and established skill set in areas of management and human resources to the organization.
Pierre Bernier also provides pro-bono expertise and strategic advice for the development of the International Solidarity Network.
United Nations Adviser, Author of numerous book on the environment and sustainable development.
Adam Rogers brings ConnectAID more than 25 years of experience as a strategic advisor at the UN, and 10 years as a journalist and entrepreneur. Adam is a strong advocate and team member of ConnectAID.
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